Anne JonesThank you for visiting. Please use the form opposite to contact me for any further information.

Anne Jones

30 Birkland Avenue


Open Studios


2000 MA Visual Culture, Bath Spa University College
1996 BA Hons Visual Art (First Class), Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
1992 Diploma in Stitched Textiles, Roehampton Institute
1975 PGCE, University of Reading (Distinction)
1965 Diploma in Applied Social Studies, University of Leicester
1964 BA (Econ) Hons in Social Administration, University of Manchester

Exhibitions include:

2019 Art in Music, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2018 The Printmaker, the Potter, the Photographer and the Milliner, Stockcross, Newbury 2015, 2016, 2017 Cover2Cover, West Berkshire Museum, Newbury
2014 Traces, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2013 INSIGHT, New Greenham Arts, Newbury
2012 After Words, Arlington Arts, Newbury
2011 Synthesis, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2010 Open Submission, New Greenham Arts
2009 10 Days at The Laundry, Winchester
2009 A Quiet Knowledge, Arlington Arts, Newbury
2009 Insight 2009, New Greenham Arts, Newbury
2008 Rebirth – hope of new life, All Saints church, Marlow, Bucks
2008 Vista, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2007 Grey Matters, Newbury
2003 Cornucopia, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2003 Off our Trolley, Fringe Festival, Newbury
2001 Dance Movement 2, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2001 Interchanges/Making Narratives, Winchester Station subway and stations served by SW Trains
2000 Dance Movement 1, New Greenham Arts and the Corn Exchange, Newbury
2000 Remarks on the Landscape, The Mayor’s Fringe, Newbury
1999 Remarks at the Hat Fair, Winchester city centre
1998 Remarks on the City, Southern Arts, Winchester
1998 Remarks on the City, Minstrels, Winchester
1997 Grey Matters, Diorama Arts Centre, London
1997 Re-marks, Islington Arts Factory, London
1996 Drawing On, Alternative Arts, Chiltern Street, London
1996 Drawing and Beyond, Angelus Gallery, Winchester
1992 solo exhibition at The Embroiderers’ Guild, Hampton Court Palace

Associated activities:

2019 Curator of three exhibitions for Open Studios West Berkshire and North Hampshire 2016 - to 2020 Coordinator of exhibitions, Open Studios West Berkshire and North Hampshire
2015 Curator, Overlooked, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2014 Curator, Traces, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2013 Curator, Open Studios Frames of Reference exhibition, Corn Exchange, Newbury
2011-12 Director, Olympic Spirit, an Open Studios project for the Cultural Olympiad
2002-3 Planning, design and encouraging of large textile project at Newbury United Reformed Church
2001- 2011 Organiser, Hands On Workshops for Open Studios, West Berkshire and North Hampshire
1999-2000 Planning, design, and co-ordination of a Millennium textile project at Christ Church, Woodley, Reading
1996-2016 Founding chairman and then Treasurer of remarks, a group of visual artists
1989 Co-ordinator for the making of a large textile hanging to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Windsor Guildhall

Textile works in the Collection of the Embroiderers’ Guild and in collections in the UK and USA


1985-2000 Teaching further education classes at East Berkshire College and Bracknell and Wokingham College, including embroidery/textiles and special needs. Also a number of practical courses for the Embroiderers’ Guild and other organisations
1975-86 Teaching in primary school.


2001 Stitching Together - The Christ Church Textile, The World of Embroidery Vol 52 No 3, 148-149
2000 MA Dissertation - Unpicking Stitches: identity, narratives, embroidering from kits.
unpublished. Copies at Bath Spa University and the Embroiderers’ Guild

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webcal designAll images on this site © 2009 - Anne Jones. All rights reserved.